Q. Can your website be viewed easily on your mobile device?
In this day ‘n age, if your website is not responsive to a mobile device (smartphone/tablet), then your it will simply be overlooked. Who can be bothered with a website that is too big or too small for their smartphone screen?!
Having a responsive website means that the size of the site displayed will automatically adjust and display correctly on a mobile device without the user having to zoom in or out to see that magnificent creation that you have designed and presented as your website. The option to ‘View full site’ is also recommended (just to look extra savvy and it’s pretty useful sometimes too).
Q. Can I call you easily if I want to?
I’ve found you online and I’m ready to call you and talk bizo – Please make it easy for me! Ensure that your phone number is visible in the header on the right – that’s where I (and everyone else) will be looking. I don’t have time to figure out those 0800WORD phone numbers – I like digits. Add ‘click to dial’ on your responsive website – saves me having to mess around with that old pen and paper (what’s that?!?!)
Q. Who am I really dealing with?
You’re a good looking bunch and I want to see your faces! People like doing business with people and a small insight into your team will be a good start to building a business relationship that will last.
Q. Where is the go button?
Your website is great, I’ve checked out what you can offer and your awesome team and now I want to get started. But how? Make that call to action obvious! You are burning money if you don’t have the big red ‘Go’ button!
Q. Is your website up to date?
Or so last year? Updating your website regularly is super important! Designs get old faster than the paint and signage on your building and your website is your shop window to the world open 24/7 – keep it updated! Every 12 – 24 months is advised.
Now with that in mind, how about giving us a call and we can talk further about your website? Call Greg or Tash on 0800 895 210 for a no obligation review.